Five Ways PropTech Makes Your Residential Compound Stand Out

$119.9 BILLION! This is the value of the global property technology (PropTech) market in just 8 years from now! It’s even more clear that the future of property management is online and automated. As per GITNUX 2023 report, 65% of property managers said digital PropTech solutions significantly reduced costs.

The residential property management landscape is no exception to this rapid growth. This is particularly prominent in dynamic markets such as the KSA, UAE, and Qatar, where investors and property managers seek new ways to enhance operational efficiency, tenant satisfaction, and profitability, all at once. To note, this is relevant everywhere in the GCC, in particular in markets like the KSA and the UAE where incredible new developments are underway, specifically compounds offering next-level amenities with a focus on digital experience.

Let’s agree that operating a residential compound comes with challenges. Just ensuring smooth day-to-day operations is an uphill battle. Think of the need to delight residents with amenities and services, maintain facilities, and build community, especially as the compound grows.

Many residential compound owners and managers find themselves struggling to juggle the myriad of manual processes required to run their properties efficiently and profitably while maintaining tenant satisfaction, which holds a bigger priority to increasing retention rate and revenue. This results in fragmented systems, frustrated residents, and high overhead costs.

Current compounds must look at ways to differentiate themselves. For this, providing tenants with an unrivalled digital experience should be the utmost priority as it’s the most cost-efficient way to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

That is why the PropTech solutions market is on the rise, giving residential compounds new capabilities to automate operations, deliver exceptional service, and stand out from the competition.

Here are five ways property technology can make your residential compound stand out. ⬇️

MethodsFeaturesHow can this help
#1: Automate Property ManagementSuccess Badge Automated Leasing & Invoicing

Success Badge Integrate Property Marketplace

Success Badge List Unites and Automate Booking Requests

Success Badge Conduct Move in/Move Out Inspections

Success Badge Access Property Matrices via Property Dashboard
Arrow Right Streamlines the entire leasing process
Arrow Right Minimizes late payments and costs
Arrow Right Provides real-time rent collection data
Arrow Right Facilitates listing distribution and online tour scheduling
#2: Digitize and Control PerformanceSuccess Badge Visitor Admission

Success Badge Delivery Management

Success Badge Maintenance and Issue Reporting
Arrow Right Allows for access control and enhanced security
Arrow Right Proactive maintenance preservation
Arrow Right Managing last-mile delivery for ultimate convenience
#3: Build Digital CommunitySuccess Badge Share News, Highlights & Updates

Success Badge Send Automated Push Notifications

Success Badge Conduct Surveys and extract firsthand data
Arrow Right keep residents informed and engaged
Arrow Right Enabling peer-to-peer connections

Arrow Right Get actionable feedback
#4: Integrate On-Demand ServicesSuccess Badge Dues and Online Payments

Success Badge Subscriptions
Arrow Right The convenience of booking amenities anytime, anywhere via mobile app
Arrow Right Easy access to contactless delivery
Arrow Right Increased utilization of communal spaces
Arrow Right Increased revenue opportunities
Arrow Right Enhanced luxury offerings with on-demand personalized services
Arrow Right Unified data and operations through integrated systems

Arrow Right Insights to optimize assets and uncover new potential
#5: In-House Platform DevelopmentSuccess Badge Less development costs

Success Badge Faster to customize

Success Badge Customer feedback drives innovation
Arrow Right Benefit from specialized expertise
Arrow Right Significantly reduces risks associated with developing unproven

Arrow Right Technology in-house that may face bugs and issues
Arrow Right The ability to easily scale operations while maintaining efficiency as compound portfolio grows

#1: Automate Property Management.

Adopting automated leasing and payments solutions is truly a game changer. This enables residential compounds to optimize the property management and whole rental experience from A to Z.

A recent real estate technology study unveiled that manual lease abstraction claims a hefty 80% of an analyst’s workload. A 2023 survey, however, finds a refreshing shift: 58% of real estate experts now tap into PropTech for efficiency, with lease abstraction standing out as a popular use case.

Automated leasing leverages eSignature API integration, credit reporting, and customizable templates to streamline lease creation and renewals. This provides an end-to-end digital experience for prospects while freeing up more hours per lease for staff previously spent on administration.

Similarly, digital payment platforms utilize tokenized, bank-grade security and intelligent payment schedules with automated reminders to reduce late payments.  

Zego’s 2023 property management automation report presents an eye-opening figure: despite advances in technology, 43% of rent collections are still made using paper methods. This means nearly half of all payments (4 out of 10) require hands-on attention from your team.

The traditional paper-based rent payment methods come with their share of headaches, including mistakes, late payments, and unhappy tenants. Property managers often deal with lost checks, returned payments, and the tedious chore of manual data entry into financial systems. These hurdles translate into higher operational expenses, delays in rent collection, and a less-than-ideal experience for tenants.

To address these issues, PropTech platforms like RAY include tools that support property managers in managing revenue. These tools present a clear dashboard that displays real-time data on rent collection, details of outstanding balances, and provides insights into optimal pricing.

Adding to the above features, part of such PropTech solutions your residential compound can utilize is property marketplace integration Property marketplaces seamlessly integrate listing distribution, online tour scheduling with ID verification, and application tracking. Listing performance analytics enables optimization all in one place with a button click.

Using a PropTech application means that these systems can dispatch maintenance staff efficiently and offer tenants the convenience of submitting maintenance requests themselves through user-friendly tools, without fuss. Additionally, tenants receive online updates in real-time about the status of their requests. Moreover, to make automated property inspections during tenant move-ins and move-outs more efficient, the system provides adaptable checklists to ensure everything is accounted for.

This best-in-class PropTech empowers residential compounds to provide exceptional digital-first residential services while optimizing back-end operations. You can track property key matrices smoothly; the synthesized data provides powerful business intelligence previously unavailable. Compounds that don’t make the shift risk losing tenants to more tech-enabled competitors who stand out.

#2: Digitize and Control Performance

Today’s residents expect maximum convenience and control over their living environment. PropTech residential services empower compounds to deliver this through seamless operational management.

Operational management of a residential compound includes sophisticated visitor management solutions Such a system integrates access control with digital visitor requests and approvals. Keyless door unlocks using mobile credentials enhance security while providing effortless access. This feature allows for 100% remote management with 100% control; tenants can watch visitor movements as they happen, provide temporary access from afar, and tailor entry permissions for various categories of visitors. Property managers can also restrict access to certain areas enabling their residential compound to offer ultimate privacy and exclusive experiences.

Similarly, integrating a proactive maintenance solution preserves property value and improves retention. Enabling this feature, work order generation can be automated from tenant requests. This includes automated scheduling, and maintenance task assignments, all while tenants receive progress updates and stay informed.

Operational management also means no more delivery headaches. Proptech residential services that include last-mile delivery management can seamlessly help tenants manage and track all aspects of last-mile delivery, besides adding and overseeing internal or external delivery handlers. Drivers access units via integrated access control, while residents receive updates and can collect deliveries on-demand.

This is how compounds can provide personalized, premium experiences that surpass expectations. Because the equation is simple, automation yields operational savings, while avoiding manual hassles and needless frustrations.

#3 Build A Thriving Residential Community – Get everyone connected

Your residential compound is a community! Digital community building is a competitive advantage that keeps residents engaged. Without it, compounds risk becoming merely collections of disconnected strangers. Communication is the lifeblood of every community. Yet as residential compounds grow, finding ways to connect with residents and foster engagement can become increasingly difficult. Fortunately, PropTech solutions are transforming old-fashioned bulletin boards into dynamic digital communities, transforming properties into true communities.

Through one user-friendly portal, leading compounds can share announcements, and events, and conduct polls to keep residents informed and involved. Integrated push notifications with real-time analytics ensure information reaches the right people.

For example, a new coffee shop opening might be promoted directly to young professionals identified in the tenant database based on demographics. Important policy updates could target committee members automatically for their input.

Discussion forums allow peer-to-peer connections over shared interests like social clubs. Further, to measure satisfaction, you can implement mobile-friendly surveys as an easy way for residents to share feedback from anywhere, this is first-hand data that benefits how would you direct your investment. Sentiment analysis and progress tracking give compounds valuable intelligence to guide investments.

This way, compounds become connected hubs where people forge bonds over shared spaces and interests. Simply, you achieve operational efficiency while allowing highly personalized engagement. Because remote residents feel informed and heard.

#4: Integrate On-Demand Services

Today’s luxury residential compounds realize they must go beyond just four walls and a roof by personalizing residential services and providing seamless amenities to create true five-star living experiences that would make them stand out.

This can happen using a PropTech solution that takes care of on-demand residential services and amenities through community apps. Think of being able to instantly book spaces like pools, gyms, and communal areas. Calendar integrations and granting remote mobile access add extra digital convenience to the process. Residential compounds can gain utilization insights without the hassles of manual scheduling.

This can go further, by integrating local retailers and restaurants to allow residents to order delivery or takeout directly to their doorstep. While you benefit enrolled vendors, they manage their menus and fulfill orders, increasing exposure. This contactless convenience indeed fosters a neighborhood vibe.

On-demand services take luxury living to new heights. With just a few taps, residents can arrange for housekeeping, grocery delivery, spa treatments, and more! With custom categories integrated, you enable hyper-personalization.

Take RAY’s app as an example, an all-on-one PropTech portal that provides the ultimate convenience! RAY’s on-demand services allow both the compound and tenants to track requests, assign staff, and monitor service quality through service dashboards.

No amenity system operates in a vacuum. That’s why such open API platforms enable integration with existing technologies like access control and parking. This unified resident experience provides next-level convenience that exceeds expectations while limited on-site staff can still provide concierge-level service through automation. You simultaneously use data insights to uncover opportunities while integrated systems minimize disruption.

Remember, the modern resident expects everything at their fingertips. Compounds that force them to call around or wait in line will soon face vacant units. Because now PropTech delivers the seamless, personalized luxury today’s market demands, so why not stand out?

#5 Outsource to the Experts  

Some property managers choose to build their own property management platforms in-house. While this allows for more customization and control, in-house development poses several key challenges:

Costs – Developing and maintaining an in-house platform requires significant investment in development and IT support teams as well as infrastructure. These costs are ongoing as the platform needs continuous updates and improvements.

Expertise – Building a robust property management platform requires specialized expertise that most companies lack. In-house teams may struggle to address the many complex issues and bugs that arise.

How to address these challenges and stand out? By partnering with an established platform like RAY, companies can leverage years of expertise and avoid potential pitfalls of in-house development, while customizing their solution and maintaining full control. RAY benefits from working with diverse customers and continuously integrating their feedback to drive innovation. An in-house platform has a much smaller base of experience to leverage for innovation. Our continuous improvement using insights across our broad customer base helps us maintain an innovative platform that adapts to diverse needs. The costs of maintenance and support are also shared rather than borne by one company.

Customize Your Automated Residential Services Today

The future of residential property management is bright.

As we have explored, today’s leading compounds are adopting new ways to stand out, all relying on PropTech solutions to provide unmatched luxury experiences, operational efficiency, and dynamic community building, while scaling as they save on costs!

Compounds can shape all the tools we highlighted to match their unique needs and branding all remotely – in one place, while residents enjoy seamless convenience through their community app portal.

At RAY, we empower residential compounds with such capabilities. As a one-stop-shop, RAY enables complete property management automation while still allowing for flexible customization.

A residential compound’s reliance on manual processes and disparate systems will just make it fall behind resident expectations. We can only say that residential compounds embracing our new stack of solutions have gained tangible competitive advantages while future-proofing their offerings.

If your residential property sees amazing potential but hasn’t yet taken the leap to PropTech, the time is now.

Reach out to RAY Labs today and get a free-month trial

See the difference yourself!
